
A comment place... A fiber-optic coffee house

Location: Conyers, Georgia, United States

Retired Lighting Engineer. Widower, Hobbies include Amateur Radio, Aircraft, and Designing lighting fixtures with huge LEDs for a friend.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Who's killing who in Iraq?

Regardless of what the liberal think tanks say to try and convince the American voter that Iraq is going badly, you only have to remove a single layer to see what is going on. To be sure, there is trouble in Iraq. That's why we have 140,000 troops deployed there and have trained 300,000 Iraq citizens as police. The following is copied off of Yahoo this morning:

"BAGHDAD, Iraq - Under pressure to take stronger action against sectarian violence, the ministry in charge of Iraq's police force will change top commanders and has already fired some 3,000 employees accused of corruption or rights abuses, a spokesman said Saturday.

The Shiite-led police force is widely accused of being infiltrated by Shiite militias blamed in slayings of Sunni Arabs, and critics say Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has been reluctant to move against the militias since many are linked to parties in his coalition.

Thousands have died this year in the cycle of killings between Shiites and Sunnis death squads. At least 14 other people were killed Saturday, mostly in sectarian violence around the country.
Also, the bodies of 17 Shiite construction workers were found in an orchard outside Baghdad, kidnapped and decapitated in apparent retaliation for an attack on Sunni Arabs last week.
The workers' headless bodies were found Friday outside the city of Duluiyah, 45 miles north of Baghdad, along with four other unknown victims, also beheaded. The killings of the workers were apparently retaliation for the kidnapping on Wednesday of three Sunni Arabs in Duluiyah by a Shiite militia, police said. The three were killed and their bodies burned."

This killing of Moslems by Moslems has been going on for years, and will continue to go on for years. The corruption in the police department comes as no surprise to anyone who has grown up in a large city and has even the most basic knowledge of city politics. I grew up in Chicago. That's all I need to say about that. Even small towns like Jonesboro Arkansas have their city politics. In Vicksburg Mississippi, there were politicians who were magicians....they could make people dissapear....permanently!!

The liberal think tanks would have you believethat 650,000 have died thus far in Iraq. That would be roughly 450 per day. Reasonable people recognize that this magnitude of death would be well covered and reported by the media. Lt. Gen Ricardo Sanchez was interviewed this week and found this incredible number sickly laughable. According to the latest estimates reported by the US military, the actual number is in the range of 20,000 total (roughly 14/day) with the over-whelming majority caused by Moslem factions killing Moslem factions.

Today, an understanding of fact requires an objective view from credible sources and a balanced input. Knowledge is power. Unfortunately, a casual input from an agenda driven or unknowledgeable source is a poor but common way to develop a liberal opinion. Fair and BALANCED is a far better approach. It yields truth and understanding of fact.


Blogger Douglas V. Gibbs said...

Today I stood in a room full of Vietnam Veterans at a bookfest presented by the Military Writers Society of America as we watched a touching rendition of the National Anthem sung on a video feed. There wasn't a dry eye in the house, because we all were willing to fight for our country, be it in Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, Iraq, or standing at the ready during peacetime, and we served proudly. It is the soldiers and sailors of our United States Military that gives these nutcake liberals the freedom to say what they desire, but I suppose they have forgotten that. Great post, and thank you for adding my Political Pistachio to your site. Just by reading your post I realized that I am honored to have you place a link to my site on your sidebar. You are obviously a good man, and a good American. God Bless you and yours.

8:48 PM  
Blogger Tom said...

I am a proud Navy vet who is humbled by your comments. Thank you!

9:07 PM  
Blogger Parlancheq said...

Maybe the important question is not who is killing who, but rather how can it be stopped? You seem to suggest that US presence is not going to stop the killing, so why are we there?

12:47 AM  
Blogger Tom said...

We are there for two very connected reasons. First, to stop the genocide and murderous autonomous rule of Sadaam and (2) to provide the means by which the Iraqi people can establish a democracy. Our benefit results from stabilizing the region. Remember the Gulf war? It was in the papers! Sadaam stormed into Kuwait and killed everyone in site and set fire to the oil fields. That's why we went in with Schwartzkoff leading. We should have fininshed the job them instead of letting the Iraqi people hang out to dry!

9:14 AM  

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