This election has brought out the very worst. A US Senator supported by the Chicago machine; A US Senator who tolerated 35 years of her husbands philandering as a 2 term Governor and 2 term President; A certified American military hero and 3rd generation Naval Officer with no leadership or executive management tools; An ex-congressman with a belligerent antagonistic history running on a 3rd party ticket; Lastly, a consumer-advocate and author of "Unsafe at any Speed", or reasons not to own a Corvair. There they are. Our choices for the next 4 years.
I worry about #1 and #3. One will be president. This post is about #1. I will post #3 soon.
Machine politics - The Richie Daily designated hitter - AKA The Obama factor.
In my November 20, 2006 blog, I wrote about Chicago politics. I was born and raised in "the City", on the NW side. I remember Richies daddy, Richard J. Daley, when he came to power. For those who remember the Democratic National Convention 40 years ago in Chicago, the world caught a glimpse of Richard J's autonomous rule, his attitude, and most of all that patented sneer that became leg
endary. Daddy did a lot of good for Chicago, and at the same time he did a lot for his friends as well. Len O'Conner, a Chicago TV columnist wrote a book about "Hizzonor" entitled "Clout". It was all about Richard J. Daleys rise to power...names, places, events, friends, enemies, backroom deals, voting Chicago style (i.e. "vote early and often"). How O'Connor managed to survive it's publication remains a mystery to me.Richie Daley isn't half the the Monarch his father was....but he still "rules" rather than governs. He is, indisputably, the King of today's Chicago. His authority may be less broad based than daddy, but like daddy, if he really wants something to happen....he makes it happen regardless of jurisdiction or reason. Take Meigs Airport adjacent to downtown Chicago for example. He tried for years to close it, but couldn't. So, one night he had City road equipment enter the airport and dig "X" shaped trenches on the only runway, rendering the airport unusable and stranding aircraft on the tarmac. The "normal" procedure for marking an airport "closed" is a painted "X" on the runway. Destroying the runway is not only outside the cities authority, it creates a hazard. The FAA eventually levied a fine against the city and scolded the Mayor, but be sure that it will be in appeal forever. Richie Daley got his way.
Richie Daley runs Chicago and the Chicago democratic machine politics. Richie Daley supports Obama just as his daddy supported Jack Kennedy. Some will claim that Richard J saw to it that Jack Kennedy was elected President as a favor to Jacks daddy, Joe Kennedy. There is always a favor involved. Joe (and Jack) Kennedy owed Richard J big time. Who does Obama owe??
Enter Tony Rezko.According to Obama, he barely knew Rezko. It would seem that their relationship was a bit more. When he needed financial help for a $2 million dollar home purc
hase, he went to Rezko for the money while knowing that Rezko (Rezko Realty)was under investigation and headed for criminal court. Obama covered that with a "bone headed mistake" comment. It gets much more involved than this and involves a $350,000 "discount" on the house, Rezko's wife buying the property next door and selling a piece of it to Obama. It's still more involved.... Tony is now in jail and Illinois Governor is being investigated for connections to "Rezko Realty". Obama has not been implicated in the criminal dealings of his "non-friend" Tony Rezko. That sure worked out well for Obama. Did someone help him out with a favor? I guess we'll find out if Obama takes up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. If Richie Daleys brother Mike shows up with a new job in DC, bet there was a favor repaid!!Even Chicago Public Radio weighs in on Rezko/Obama, listing campaign donations made by Rezko. It doesn't end there either. There is a connection between Rezko and Obama choice for V/P Jo
e Biden according to the Chicago Sun Times newspaper. And... it doesn't stop there. There is a Clinton connection to Rezko. No one knows where it ends, or where the end of the string is that connects everything together. However, for Obama to refer to accepting personal money from the likes of Tony Rezko as just a "bone headed mistake" falls far short of full disclosure. The Obama's managed to get connected to the mainstream Democratic political machine and take advantage of their Harvard Law School education. It would seem that their education just appeared as an opportunity in front of two young African American young people. However, upon graduation they both wind up with employment with a law firm that represents Rezko and a host of other slum lords. Coincidence? Perhaps. However, Michelle's million dollar salary, Barach's election to the State Senate and connection to both Springfield and Chicago politics in a system where past governors finish their careers in jail does provide food for further thought and reflection on what is to come of an Obama Presidency. It is certainly clear that Obama is astute when it comes to maneuvering politically. The question is, will he maneuver as fluidly in and about the leadership role required of the Commander and Chief, or will the debts he carries from ascending prevent him from leading as he should/could? In his acceptance speeech in Denver on August 28th, and within the 1st few sentences, Obama thanked his friend "Dick Durbin". There's a ton of connections tied to Dubin.... suffiecient for a lengthly dissertation on the Senior Senator from Illinois who somehow went from a worker in a meat packing plant to his Georgetown Law Degree where he represented Illinois Govenor. Obama's connections are not just historical, although he has a lengthly history. His connections are current, and he is loyal. The Jesse Wright story illustrated the lengths he will go to remain loyal.
Why am I almost afraid to tell you? Simple....I don't want to dissapear!
Good post. I linked to you. Any self respecting American should read this with an open mind and ask themselves WHY they would even consider Obama for President.
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